Continued from last post
The Crash, Bottoming Out, Burning Down, whatever you want to call it, starts out slow, almost unnoticeable – each individual element still working. But if a device existed for measuring this effect, it would indicate that the sleep deprivation part was unarguably far ahead of the pack on any scale, graph or pie-chart. It is at this exact point that things become dangerous, as the sleep deprivation has us thoroughly convinced that our thought processes are still screaming along at their previously enhanced pace. They are, most definitely, not. Our formerly tight, solid thoughts now hold a cohesion factor several steps lower than a fart in a wind tunnel, and our communication skills could easily be matched by an intestinal worm with strep throat ( if intestinal worms even have throats to strep – can't imagine why they would). Our ability to complete one, single coherent sentence without stopping midway, looking thoroughly confused as if we'd only just arrived, is virtually nil. We start ambling from room to room, looking for something which, when questioned about, we cannot even identify. I have personally spent hours looking for something, then realizing I had no fucking clue as to what that something might be. Then comes the 'Dozing Off/Sudden Head Snap No! I'm Awake' phase. (do NOT operate heavy machinery at this point, which is also the point at which shoe laces and shirts with more than 3 buttons constitute heavy machinery). Finally, we sleep the sleep of the dead, or the heavily sedated, resting up for the next time, which begins in 3...2...1...
See you in the fast lane!!!