
Friday, February 10, 2012

Part 2

Right, here's the second part  of those things I was taking a swing at:
2) "You don't have to be crazy to work here..."

   A close (and just as idiotic) relative to the "Are we having fun yet?" mouth-breathers is the guy in every workplace who gives this invaluable piece of info: "You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps!" I always like to ask for an example, find out exactly who it is that's crazy, and which particular affliction they suffer from. Here's a typical interaction:
DAN: "So your the new guy? Well, lemme tell ya, You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps!"
ME:"Really? Explain, please. Are you one of those who finds it beneficial to function with damaged cognitive faculties?"
ME: "Are you crazy, Dan? And if not you, who?"
DAN: "Umm... Oh! There's Bob! He's always saying something crazy! Hey, Bob! Come and meet the new guy!"
BOB: "Hey. Howzit goin'? What can I do ya for?"
DAN: (chuckling) "Bob, say one of those crazy things you're always saying..."
BOB: "Well,  you don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps!"
DAN: (laughing uncontrollably) "Classic Bob!"
ME: "Hmm. Lemme see... 23 years ago, I cut my wife's head off with an electric carving knife, and I'm still using her skull as a cereal bowl. Do I qualify?"

Odd. No one ever wants to go for drinks with me after work. Go figure, huh?

Until next time, as always, be safe,

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Once again, in case you missed the point.

It may seem as though I'm repeating myself here,but I assure you I'm not. Ok, maybe a little.Maybe I'm not repeating myself in a sort of 'not repeating myself' kind of way. I have recently been personally introduced to the extremely shitty experience of having my family turn on me, while 3 non-blood very good friends have saved my life. Both sides know who you are, so you all know who can go fuck themselves and who has my love and respect until time develops something terminal and snuffs it!
As always, be safe,