
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Evolutionary Adaptation & Natural Selection

Evolutionary Adaptation & Natural Selection – You're Fucking Kidding, Right?

I've been observing and considering this for quite some time now, and do believe I have discovered the one, single, major setback , the one thing holding back our evolution as a species, and it is this:

It requires absolutely zero intelligence to procreate.

There it is, plain and simple. In fact, it doesn't take much observation to notice that we see the exact opposite – the more brainless, dull witted and ignorant people are, the more simplings1 they spawn, thereby ensuring the continuation of their DNA, complete with its genetic markers for low IQ, mouthbreathing, and believing that WWF Wrestling is real. The results? Cultural identity crisis on a massive scale – the acceptance and rise of Reality TV. I know I've gone off on Reality TV before, but it's been a while, so I feel I deserve to cut loose for a bit. Besides, Reality TV is close to being my all time second biggest pet peeve (nothing could ever even come close to Grown Men In Short Pants).

Reality TV is a producer's dream, requiring no writers, no big name stars, no talent, no sets, and most important, no intelligence. That includes both creating and watching. Just toss out an idea like “Parking Wars” or “Storage Wars”, (I guess just hook on to any word, slap 'wars' on the end to keep North America interested, and let 'er rip), and you are set – low/no budget, a prefab audience ready to launch you to the top of the Nielsens, nothing to do but rake in the cash and kudos.

No, I didn't get off-topic, for it is precisely that prefab audience I described which is, as you read this, spawning the next generation of world leaders. Morbidly obese, facebook addicted world leaders. World leaders who, although being born white and privileged, say things like:
“Well theys bin axin a' kines 'o' shit 'bout y'all, nahwmee?”.
And that's supposed to be aah-ite?
Beware, my little friends, these MacDroid spawn of mouthbreathers and home shopping network consumers are YOUR future! In that respect, I am in full accord with those jolly fellows, the Sex Pistols – there IS no future.

Until next time, as always,
Be safe.

1Similar to siblings, but much simpler.