
Thursday, September 24, 2009

No rest, no sleep

Ok, I’m screaming pissed about this one: Popup blockers. You know, the programs you can get that put an end to those FUCKING irritating little ads that ‘pop’ up on your screen whenever you go online to surf down a bit of porn, usually right in the area you wanted to look at. Well, my popup blocker does a fine job of blocking these little 3 or 4 inch advertisements. It does such a jim-dandy, crackerjack job that it can’t wait to let someone know about it, so they can rally round the intrepid little intercept program and pat it’s little binary back – “kudos, young software, kudos!” It’s chosen method for disseminating this VITAL, CRUCIAL information is this: EVERY SINGLE TIME this electronic go-getter blocks an ad, it fires up a FULL SCREEN MESSAGE saying “Ad Blocked”. Did I mention it was FULL FUCKING SCREEN?!? Really, what’s the point? I installed the binary bugger so I wouldn’t be bothered by occasional ads taking up 4 inches of my screen! Now, every time an ad tries to sell me something, I get my entire screen filled with this Fortran Fuck’s triumphant declaration until I grab the mouse and minimize it by hand because the piece of shit that wrote it was so pleased with himself that he neglected to put in the extra couple lines of code it would take to close it down automatically!! Plus, I can’t shut the fucking thing off. Thanx for letting me vent.

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