Watching TV commercials about items for cats makes me so wistful to buy something for Anubis. I will miss buying him fancy cat treats and wet and dry food, toys, cat nip, even his heavy cat litter.
I loved his loud, long lasting purr, intoxicating scent, comfy naps, and countless cuddles. He was so loving and affectionate! I miss hearing his impatient tail flicks to the floor, quiet meows to get lifted up someplace too high to jump, loud meows to have the door open. Such a regal and proud cat! He liked dragging the curtain behind his tail as he entered the living room from the sliding door to make an entrance.
He was really charming,funny, and such a brat at times! The way he could scratch at his litterbox for twenty mintutes to make sure his dump was covered and have his cat litter all over the floor during the process. He liked to sit on Rob's feet, try to bully us out of our pillow by being a hat, run like a fag if the blinds shifted from a breeze, and was fascinated by the sex towel-you know the one you use to wipe after you finish fucking. teehee!
I wish I had more time with him-a lifetime to be honest. Anubis was our baby, he will be loved and missed forever
Vice Squad *2014, Cardboard Country
6 years ago
And I just finished telling myself I wasn't going to cry. Again. Nicely said, Hon - guess I was too focused on the negative aspects. Thanks for being my Balance!