Whaaaww! That last bit of venting got what’s left of my blood just screaming, so here I go again – more of the ‘Not So Happy’ list. Again, any semblance of priority or order is purely coincidental.
· Idiots who argue that which they know absolutely NOTHING about, and then, upon realizing that they are wrong, rather than politely conceding, energetically re-double their efforts in a last ditch attempt to bury one in half-misquoted / half fabricated facts and horribly misused terminology. MassCool! Now you look twice as stupid as you did 20 seconds ago, and I, conversely, am twice as right as I was 20 seconds ago. I guess that old Chinese fellow was right, and those idiots have, indeed, removed all doubt.
· Pompous, pretentious twats who will find some way, no matter how ridiculous, to bring up Shakespeare, Hemingway, et al, in every single conversation they happen to engage in. Arrogant, smug, pseudo-intellectual bastards trying to appear educated and well-read, thinking they can accomplish this by simply dropping a few literary monikers. Have fun with these self-important assholes: ask them which particular works they enjoyed the most. Ask them to actually NAME something by the authors. Ask them for a few quotes or notable passages. If they do manage to come out with a quote, nod knowingly for a moment, then say “Ah, yes! The ‘Classic Comic Books’ version!”
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