
Thursday, November 17, 2011


Right. It's official. Today is one of those days. Not one of those "It's-been-one-of-those-days" days. Nope, not one of them. Really more of a "It's just not my day" type of day. The type of day that forces the question: O.K., if it's not my day, then just who's fucking day is it? Where does the maggot-ridden piece of dog shit that this particular day belongs to live? Why has he decided not to have this astoundingly crappy day, opting, instead, to pawn the fucker off on me?  Does he think I'm an idiot? I can't have a shitty day on my own? I need his help on this, do I?  Or does he think himself so superior that he's able to engineer a far shittier day than any shitty day I might happen to conjure up on my own?  And, before you feel compelled to point it out, I am not blind to the fact that all of the preceding speculation hinges on one question : Was I even contemplating having a shitty day to begin with, and, if so, how the screaming FUCK did this clown become aware of my choice?  I'll leave you to ponder that one for a while.

As always, be safe.


1 comment:

  1. I find that shitty days are highly contagious and affects large groups of people quickly and aggressively. This contagion has been known to make people that are naturally dicks or whiny bitches even louder, more irritating, and in quick need of experiencing a violent assault to put them back in their place and provide amusement for others. There should a customer standard set in place to ensure a safe and enjoyable workplace for employees.


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