Well, kiddies, once again I have survived the cash driven whirlwind that yet another perfectly innocent Pagan holiday has been turned into. Those miserable xtians saw Saturnalia,(a celebration of the birth day, not of the limpid christ, but of the Pagan Sun God - "Sol Invictus" or "Mithras") as a way to add to their ranks while simultaneously assimilating the local peoples and beliefs. They got themselves a ready-made holiday by doing what xtians do best - stealing from others and killing whoever got in their way. This holiday has belonged to the Pagani for thousands of years (the Babylonians make references to it around 2167 Bce, others go back considerably farther than that), and I think its about time those thieving, mass-murdering arrogant self righteous sons of a miserable fucking bitch finally own up to what they've done. Not just Yule, but EVERYTHING - I'm calling for complete and total accountability for every crime, every atrocity,every attempted genocide, every rape, every sacrifice, EVERYFUCKINGTHING ever done in the name of their god. But not one of the smarmy bastards will even admit that wrongs have been done - they are either blinded by their faith in god and bible, for the least intelligent ones, or, for the ever so slightly more intelligent few, blinded by their faith in the almighty dollar. Well, let me extend a season's wish to the truly devout, the truly blind: May you all end up on the same stick your precious savior was nailed to. And this time around, try dying for the right fucking sins - the ones you, yourselves have perpetrated on the innocent! To everyone else, Have a very festive and enjoyable Yule, Saturnalia, or whatever you wish to call it, and as always, Be safe!
And lets get them for unpaid taxes and stolen land too. The Catholic Church is the LARGEST land owner in the fucking world.