
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Well, here's a shocker: after MsAnthropy got back from the Wild Beyond, we noticed that her biological clock was going off and the SNOOZE button, (which has worked like a charm these past 12 years) has ceased to function. In other words, the 'Biological Imperative' has kicked in and she's decided she'd like to spawn.
So, yeah.Pros and Cons time, huh?

  • Our genetic makeup passed on to a smaller version of one of us. Currently, the only samples of my DNA are probably either 

  1. In the ocean (thanx to certain shower-time activities) so if you ever happen upon an octopus or clam with an evil/comical/conspiratory smirk, I can probably explain, or
  2. Absorbed into the food chain, lunch for scavengers provided by the results of several ex's pro-choice decisions(with which I agree 100%), so if you find yourself marveling at an earthworm, crow or insect sporting features similar to mine, refer to point 1.
  • 2 sets of extremely proud and doting Grandparents, plus a huge support group all anxious to see which one of us the spawn will resemble. If the egg/tadpole combo decides to be female, we have decided that it absolutely MUST  have
  1. My height and Somatotype (Ectomorph), and
  2. MsAnthropy's rack and facial features, although it must also possess 
  3. Both our high cheek-bones.
  • If it turns out male, it MUST
  1. Be a Punk Rocker
  • Reasonings: A female with the above mentioned physical attributes should have no problems making a very good living as either a high paid Call-girl, Geisha, or Ultra popular Porn Star. At the very least, men will do anything she asks, so she's set for life. As for the male, well, at least he'll be interesting and entertaining to be around. Added bonus: no traditional parent/offspring fights about who's music sucks and who's deaf from listening to what.
More later, as always, be safe.