
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Karma – Instant vs. Long Term. There's An Error In My Account...

   I'm having a problem with the whole 'Karma' thing. It's not that I don't understand the concept – do something good, something good happens back to you – that's pretty straight forward. What I don't get is the return policy. Something good happens back to you when? The other half, do something shitty and something shitty happens back to you, seems to work fairly quick, as does the appear to do something good side of the equation. Example: a total asshole, splitting up with her husband via text message while driving to meet her boyfriend, grimaces impatiently at an old lady crossing the street slowly in a wheelchair. Others perceive the grimace as a heartfelt, caring smile of empathy. Total asshole gets to the liquor store 43 seconds after a crazed gunman kills everyone in the store (because they didn't have his favorite brand of Schnapps) and doesn't even stop to think, “Hey, that old lady saved my life!”. The error in judgment made by those who witnessed the grimace has extended the lifespan of another worthless piece of shit. Meanwhile, a genuinely really nice guy bolts in front of a bus to rescue the frightened puppy of a six year old girl, hurls the puppy safely into her pleading, outstretched arms, and is instantly rendered quadriplegic by said bus, driven by a weeping man who’s wife has just dumped him via text message, prompting him to take his own life later that evening. Question: is this error ever noticed, and is the karmic bank account adjusted accordingly? Answer: NO. The hero spends the rest of his life in a wheelchair while the total asshole evades divorce proceedings and lives a long and useless life. Now, some defenders of karma will say our quad will get his reward in the next life, and our total asshole will get her comeuppance then, as well. Fat lot of good that does in th,e here and now, where a complete reversal of justice has played itself out. Besides, what if there is no next life? What happens to all the accumulated karma then? Does it just sit there, collecting interest? Is it distributed to deserving people here in this life? I guess what I'd really like to know is why can't I get part of mine now, like maybe some kind of interest dividend or long-term investment bonus, anything? I'm even willing to waive any and all next life returns to have just one tiny bit of my karmic deposit dropped on me today. Just a little, tiny bit – I mean, who the fuck is going to notice, huh? C'mon, karmic bankers, have a little heart, who knows, maybe something nice will happen to you.

Well, I'm off to check my karmic bank account, so, as always, be safe!